Albert, Prince consort | 28 June 1919 | ALS to 'Dear Sir William'
Alexandra, Queen | 20 May 1910 | On a black-edged card
Alexandra, Queen | 24 January 1901 |
Alexandra, Queen | 3 June 1916 |
Alexandra, Queen | August 1918 |
Argyll, Duke of | 27 August 1715 |
| (return to top)
Baden Powell, Robert | 17 June 1927 |
Baden Powell, Robert | August 1929 |
Baden Powell, Robert | October 1901 |
Baldwin, Stanley | undated | Appeal to voters
Baldwin, Stanley | [December 1938] | Thanks for generosity to refugees
Beatty, David, 1st Earl | 21 November 1918 | Re the surrender
Burns, Robert | 2 July 1786 | Deed providing for his daughter
Buxton, Thomas Fowell | 20 January 1908 |
Byron, Lord | 27 April 1819 | The 'Vampire' letter
Byron, Lord | 29 May 1823 |
Byron, Lord | 23 August 1788 | To Robert Anesley
| (return to top)
Carlyle, Thomas | 17 June 1850 | To Leigh Hunt
Carlyle, Thomas | 6 May 1861 |
Carlyle, Thomas | 16 July 1868 |
Carlyle, Thomas | 5 June 1864 |
Cavendish, William | 30 April 1831 |
Chamberlain, Neville | 19 October 1938 |
Churchill, Clementine | 'May 1947' | Thanks for help for the Russians
Churchill, Lord Randolph | 19 May 1885 |
Churchill, Sir Winston | various | Many incomplete letters of thanks
Churchill, Sir Winston | September 1920 | Printed certificate for hospital
Churchill, Sir Winston | Undated | Re Birley's portrait of Eisenhower
Churchill, Sir Winston | 1902 | A letter with a stamped signature
Churchill, Sir Winston | | A 'thank-you' letter
Churchill, Sir Winston | 22 January 1945 | To Mrs Ivan Colvin O.B.E.
Churchill, Sir Winston | various | Mentions in Despatches, WWI date
Cobden, Richard | 18 March 1857 |
Copley, John Singleton | 20 November 1826 |
Copley, John Singleton | 8 December 1825 |
Cromwell, Oliver | 30 March 1646 | Misdated by Cromwell, really 1647.
Cruikshank, George | 16 June 1842 |
Cunningham, Allan | 21 July 1841 |
| (return to top)
Dickens, Charles | 10 January 1860 | To the Rev. Stephen Roose Hughes
Dickens, Charles | 9 May 1862 |
Dickens, Charles | ?1-4 Dec 1845 | To J H Stocqueler
Disraeli, Benjamim | 19 January 1871 | On black-edged paper
Disraeli, Benjamin | 24 June 1874 | On Black-edged paper
Disraeli, Benjamin | 18 October 1852 |
| (return to top)
Eden, Sir Anthony | June 1955 | Thanks for help with the election.
Edward VII | 16 June 1864 | With 'original' envelope
Edward VIII | 6 May 1935 | Encouraging games players
Edward VIII | 16 August 1920 | To the boys and girls of Australia
Edward VIII | undated | Thanks for contribution to Trust
Elizabeth II | various | Various grants of dignities
| (return to top)
Flaxman, John | 24 December 1819 |
Freud, Sigmund | 17 October 1937 | To Stefan Zweig, in English.
Frith, W.P. | 23 January 1868 |
| (return to top)
Garrick, David | 4 September 1753 |
George V | Christmas 1914 | Postcard to troops signed with Mary
George V | '1918' | Welcoming back prisoners of war
George V | August 1918 | To 'Soldiers of the United States'
George V | 29 June 1893 |
George V | 'April 1918' | To 'Soldiers of the United States'
George V | 17 October 1920 | To Sir Charles Wakefield
George VI | undated | Christmas card with view of Windsor
George VI | various | Various grants of dignities
Gladstone, Herbert J | 25 May 1885 |
Gladstone, W E | 8 August 1868 |
Gladstone, W E | 25 July 1889 | With a letter of his wife
Gladstone, W E | 30 June 1887 |
Gladstone, W E | 15 October 1886 |
Grosvenor, Earl | 30 July 1868 |
| (return to top)
Hanbury, Robert | 9 March 1868 |
Hardy, Thomas Masterman | 27 October 1805 | Reporting on the Battle of Trafalgar
Heath, Sir Edward | February 1975 | Thanks for message of support
Heath, Sir Edward | undated | Downing Street cards (black ink)
Henry, Duke of Gloucester | No date | Thanks for gift for King's Trust
Hindeburg, Paul von | 28 April 1932 |
Hitler, Adolf | various | Many documents, especially war date
Hole, S Reynolds | 31 May 1900 |
Hudson, James | 18 August 1833 |
Hugo, Victor | 20 August 1851 | With letter of Charles Hugo
| (return to top)
Irving, Sir Henry | 'May 1862' |
| (return to top)
James II | 17 November 1688 | Confirming payment to Pepys
Jefferson, John | 15 May 1843 |
Jenner, Edward | 16 January 1807 | About vaccination
Johnson, Samuel | 4 March 1755 | In Latin
Johnson, Samuel | 5 March 1781 |
| (return to top)
Kitchener, Herbert | 16 May 1915 | Calling for 30,000 recruits
| (return to top)
Lamartine, Alphonse de | 'fevrier 1857' |
Lamartine, Alphonse de | 4 January 1863 |
Law, Andrew Bonar | 2 July 1914 |
Law, Andrew Bonar | 11 January 1917 |
Liddell, H T | 8 June 1826 |
Liddon, H P | 17 May 1877 |
Lincoln, Abraham | 20 March 1865 |
Lindbergh, Charles | 23 November 1927 | 'The Playground and Recreation ...'
'Liszt, Franz' ?forgery | n.d. | To Chevalier Catrufo 'En ville'
Lloyd George, David | 1 September 1919 |
| (return to top)
Major, John | undated | Downin Street cards (blue ink)
Mann, Thomas | 11 Sept. 1946 | 'An die Leser des Aufbaus'
Marston, John | 'Monday' | To Lord Kimbolton
Mary, Queen | 'April 1924' | Thanks for help with dolls house
Mary, Queen | 28 June 1893 | Signed as 'May'
Maximilian I of Mexico | 22 August 1864 |
Mendelssohn, Felix | 18 November 1837 | About Clara Novello, in English
Monteagle, Baron | 16 November 1841 |
Montgomery, Field-marshal | various | Personal messages to the troops
| (return to top)
Napoleon I | 5 floreal, An 4 |
Napoleon I | 24 June 1790 | ALS to the Abbé Raynat
Napoleon I | Various | Many letters to Josephine
Nelson, Horatio, Viscount | 14 April 1777 | To his brother, 1½ pages.
Nelson, Horatio, Viscount | 29 January 1798 | To Thomas Lloyd
Nelson, Horatio, Viscount | 21 October 1803 | To Horatia ('My Dear Child').
Nelson, Horatio, Viscount | [1794] | To Commodore Linzee
Nelson, Horatio, Viscount | 8 October 1803 | To Captain Ryves
Nelson, Horatio, Viscount | 19 October 1805 | The 'last' letter to Emma Hamilton.
Nelson, Horatio, Viscount | 17 August 1805 | To John Scott
Nelson, Horatio, Viscount | 7 November 1800 | To the Revd Mr Turner
Newman, John Henry | 2 January 1884 | To The Rev [Alexander] Whyte
Newton, Sir Isaac | 2 March 1688/9 | To John Covell in Cambridge
Nightingale, Florence | 28 May 1900 | 'To all our Nurses'
Nightingale, Florence | 6 May 1881 | To the nurses at St Thomas's.
| (return to top)
Ouida (de la Ramée) | Undated | About dogs
| (return to top)
Palmerston, Lord | 6 October 1846 | To Forster
Palmerston, Lord | 20 April 1857 | With secretarial envelope
Palmerston, Lord | 22 January 1861 |
Palmerston, Lord | 20 January 1862 |
Pope, Alexander | 29 August 1730 |
| (return to top)
Raglan, Fitzroy Somerset Lord | February 1849 | Transmitting a medal.
Richmond, Duke of | 15 January 1875 |
Roberts, Field Marshal | 22 Sept. 1914 | TLS re the National Service League
Rothschild, Lionel de | 20 March 1857 |
Ruskin, John | 20 March 1880 |
Russell, Lord John | 18 October 1861 |
Russell, Lord John | 12 January 1849 |
| (return to top)
Salisbury, Marquis of | 7 January 1903 |
Schiller, Johann von | 6 November 1780 |
Scott, George Gilbert | 30 July 1875 |
Scott, Sir Walter | Undated | To Charles Tilt
Seward, Anna | 17 July 1807 | To A[rchibald] Constable
Shelley, Percy Bysshe | 23 February 1822 | To [James Henry] Leigh Hunt
Smith, Robert | 31 May 1826 | To Spicer (with wax seal)
Sterne, Laurence | 27 July 1766 |
Stevenson, Robert Louis | [20 Feb 1888] | To Mrs Ehrlich (Letters, v6 p115)
| (return to top)
Tait, A C (Canterbury) | 'June 1878' |
Tait, A C (Canterbury) | August 1870 |
Thatcher, Margaret | 'May 1979' | Thanks for election congratulations
| (return to top)
Victoria, Queen | 25 June 1887 |
Victoria Queen | 14 February 1896 |
Victoria Queen | 28 March 1866 | 6 pages 8vo with envelope
Victoria Queen | 16 March 1885 | To Miss Gordon - thanks for bible
Victoria Queen | 22 June 1887 | To the Women of Great Britain
| (return to top)
Washington, George | 14 April 1789 | To John Langdon
Washington, George | 29 January 1781 | To Brigadier General [John] Glover.
Watts, George Frederic | 25 June 1894 |
Wellington, Duke of | 13 March 1846 |
Wellington, Duke of | Undated | About parliamentary petitions
Wellington, Duke of | Undated | Various 'form' letters
Wesley, John | 8 July 1782 | With address-leaf and cancellations
Wiseman, Nicholas | 16 August 1856 | With address-leaf and cancellations