BLYTON, Enid Mary (d. 1968). Writer for children. Long Autograph Letter Signed to Mrs M. Bulleid, 4 pages 4to with envelope, Green Hedges, Beaconsfield, 21 February 1956. Thanking her for her interest in child welfare, telling her how she can help, describing one family in particular, giving her own views on child development and the importance of training, and sending love to her daughter. '... I am so glad you are one of the kind hearted mothers who read my News-sheet & letter & are as interested in the various causes we espouse as are my boy & girl readers. I expect you realise that I always hope my "causes" are two-way things - we help the unfortunate children & encourage the more fortunate ones to grow up compassionate & generous - which virtues, once learnt in childhood, remain throughout adult life! [Enid Blyton gives a detailed account of one family, whose mother has great difficulty in coping, and describes how she has helped them] [No: 22141] The image is of the fourth page only.
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