EGERTON, Thomas, 1st Viscount Brackley (1540-1617). Lord Chancellor. Letter Signed to Nathaniel Bacon (1546?-1622), ½-page folio with address leaf (old repairs in the fold), 'At yorkhouse', 15 June 1600. Commending the petition of one Thomas Pearce. 'After my hartie comendacons. According to the request of this peticon[e]r Thomas Pearce, I send you his peticon herinclosed [ but no longer included]: by w[hi]ch, and by his furder infirmacon, You may understand the cause of his complainte. I praye you take the paines Calling both him and his master before you to examine the matt[er] and by some good and quiett order agreable to equitie and Justice, to p[re]vent and stopp those furd[er] suites, w[hi]ch were unfitt to be, between p[ar]ties so nearly bound to one another in love and dutie, and w[hi]ch the peticon[er] seemes to desire to have by this course p[re]vented. And so not doubting of yo[u]r willingnes to so charitable a worke, I bid you farewell. ...' [No: 22940] The image is of the upper half of the page only
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