BARRIE, Sir James Matthew, letters, autographs, documents, manuscripts

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BARRIE, Sir James Matthew (1860-1937). Playwright and novelist.
Three Autograph Letters Signed to the actor Robert Bilcliffe Loraine (1876-1935), 5 pages small 4to, 1918 and 1928 with one indistinct date.

In 1918 expressing envy at Loraine's exploits ('I wish I could have done the things you have been doing'), inviting him to take the lead in a revival of 'The Admirable Crichton', and describing Loraine as 'a flying Brigadier' ('I don't know how to address you on the envelope' [not included]). In 1928 he confesses that he is 'not writing any plays at present', and in the indistincly dated letter (?1919) explains that 'The murder tale' must be produced first in America ('the date of which is uncertain').

'... I had forgotten that murder story but I'll have another thought about it and we might have other ideas. In the meantime how about this that you shd play Crichton in a revival of "Admirable Crichton" at Coliseum for eight weeks - the first set for a fortnight, then the second etc. The Coliseum people wish to do it as soon as I like. I asked Golding Bright to see you about this a week or two ago. ...'
[26 September 1918].

Robert Loraine was indeed a man of action. He had already served in the South African War and distinguished himself as a pioneering aviator when he enlisted in the Royal Flying Corps (part of the army), being awarded the MC and the Document SignedO in 1917 and twice being seriously wounded. [Reginald] Golding Bright (1874?-1941) was a theatrical agent and his brother Addison Bright represented Barrie.
[No: 25951]

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